about me

Always learning new trends and ways of making you love your hair to the luna and back!


C. Boston Photography

Deep Rooted Passion

My passion for hair goes back as far as I can remember. As a child, you would always find me cutting my dolls' hair and I became quite a pro if you asked me. Cutting my sister's hair, on the other hand, was a different story! She had more hair than my dolls, which was very tiring, so I decided to stop half way through the hair cut. I realised then that I had much more to learn, so at the young age of 11 I attended my first updo summer camp. It was pretty clear that I had to follow my passion and make a living doing what I loved.

Liliana Luna


From Passion to Career

Licence attained in Monterrey, MX (2002) from the Academia de Belleza Ricaut.

Attended classes with L’Oréal and Kryolan.

Certifications received in the US & UK: